We have two enrolment periods each year, at the beginning of term 1 and again at the beginning of term 3, running approximately parallel to the NSW Public School terms.
Visit our classes page to discover what we have on offer and then head over to our timetable page to see when each class is available. If you would like more information or guidance please feel free to visit our receptionist during class times or alternatively contact the Principal directly via phone or email. The easiest way to start a conversation with us is via the "Register Your Interest" form on our home page.
To enrol, please complete an enrolment form for each dancer available from this website or from our studio and return a completed copy to us along with your registration fee before your first lesson.
Not sure what classes to enrol in? We offer come and try lessons at the beginning of each enrolment period. This entitles dancers to try a class before committing for the whole term.
To take advantage of this offer:
• Register your interest on our home page to receive an email with your come and try lesson times.
• Download and complete an enrolment form from this website or from reception at our studio.
• Arrive 5 minutes early for your come and try class in comfy active wear. See our receptionists who will collect your enrolment form and $30 registration fee.
• Following your first class you will be asked to confirm your enrolment for the semester. If this class is not for you, not a problem, there is no further charge.

TCDA tuition fees are payable by cash, cheque, EFTPOS at our Peel Street Studio or by Direct Deposit and are inclusive of GST. Our tuition is invoiced by the term and students are expected to attend every lesson.
There is a $35 annual enrolment fee for each student payable prior to your child's first lesson including come and try's.
Term fees also include costume fees for both our annual Mid Year Showcase at the Tamworth Town Hall and major production at the TRECC in December. Our costume fees cover the purchase, not hire of costumes meaning that these are yours to keep following the performance.
TCDA are approved providers of both the updated Active and Creative Kids voucher schemes and accept vouchers for all class and private term fees. Eligible parents, guardians and carers of school aged children can apply for a new voucher. The voucher is valued at $50 and available twice a year.
For more information and to apply for your vouchers please visit www.service.nsw.gov.au/active-and-creative-kids-voucher.