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TCDA has classes available across a wide range of skill, age and styles.

Tamworth City Dance Academy offers classes for kids as young as 18 months in "Mummy and Me", then right through all of our adolescent grades in Classical Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical / Contemporary, Tap, Hip Hop and Musical Theatre. Adults can stay strong, healthy, social and creative with our "Back to the Barre" or "Hot Mummas" classes.


We deliver the Australian Teachers Of Dancing, Aerial Arts and Acrobatic Arts syllabus to support the growing body and build skills and provide qualifications that articulate into courses around the world.


Contact us if you need some assistance in selecting the right class for you or your dancer.

young dancers


parents and young chdren dance together at TCDA's Mummy and Me class

Mummy and Me

For confident walkers to 5 years with parents or carers participating

Of course welcoming Daddy's and Carers as well as Mummys, our "Mummy and Me" casual dance class is specifically designed to aid in the child's physical development of gross motor skills, provide a social environment for parents, carers, their children and others, aid in emotional development through exposure to music, create bonding experiences and prepare our young dancers confidence and skills for Tinys classes at TCDA once they are three.

TCDA students during a Tiny Tumblers class

Tiny Tumblers

Prep acro classes for confident walkers to 5 years 

A perfect introduction to TCDA's popular acro classes, we offer tiny tumblers in both a casual format for ages around 18 months to 5 years and full term enrolled classes with performance opportunities for 3 - 6 year olds.  We apply the Acrobatic Arts syllabus to give dancers a solid grounding of core skills to provide the best possible start to further acro studies.

Tiny Dancers in Tutus on stage during a TCDA concert


For Pre-schoolers aged 3 - 6 years 

Combined Jazz and Classical Ballet class

Our Tinys classes are a fun introduction to the basics of Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap in one class.  We apply a specially designed syllabus from the Australian Teachers Of  Dancing (ATOD) in which the students use a variety of props and scenarios to develop skills, build technique and imagination.  Our Tinys perform each year at the Mid Year Showcase at the Tamworth Town Hall and at our major production at the TRECC in December.  Our Tinys do not undertake ATOD examinations.


A TCDA Test One dancer wearing wings during a performance

Test One

Ages 5 - 6 years Classical Ballet and Jazz and ages 5 - 7 years in Tap

Following Tinys, students can begin to learn specialised skills by attending dedicated classes in Classical Ballet, Jazz or Tap.  Applying the Syllabus from the ATOD, students develop technique both physically and theoretically.  This is the first grade that students can elect to undertake ATOD examination.  ATOD exams at this level are not graded, but pass / fail only with an emphasis on confidence building and constructive critique.

TCDA Test Two dancers performing in pink skirts

Test Two

Ages 6 and 7 years with classes available in Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap

We continue to apply the syllabus from the ATOD which gradually challenges the dancer to develop more complex technique and acquire core skills that are essential to their later grades.  As dancers start to become more comfortable with classroom dynamics they often add a second or third class in a different style at this time.

TCDA Test Three Tap dancers

Test Three

Ages 7 and 8 years with classes available in Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap

In Test Three our syllabus becomes more involved and our classes extend to 45 minutes to give us ample time to cover all of our material.  This is the final year of our non-graded exam classes and students start to focus more on perfecting individual aspects of their technique.  Test Three Ballet, Jazz and Tap continue to follow the ATOD Syllabus.

TCDA Bronze Medal dance performance at Tamworth Town Hall

Bronze Medal

Ages 8 and 9 years with classes available in Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap

Students in our ATOD Syllabus Bronze Medal Ballet, Jazz and Tap classes experience graded exams for the first time.  Classes are 45 minutes long and start to address the theoretical side of dance with all Ballet and Tap exam students supplementing their face to face classes with work from their theory book.

TCDA Bronze Star dancers at Tamworth Town Hall performance

Bronze Star

Ages 8 to 10 years with classes available in Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap

Bronze Star is the final year of  "Junior" dance at TCDA and the last year in the red headband.  This is a grade where technique is consolidated and revised to ensure that core skills are realised and the dancers body is prepared for senior work.

TCDA Silver Medal Ballerina during a performance

Silver Medal

Ages 10 to 13 years with classes available in Classical Ballet, Jazz and Tap

Silver Medal Ballet is generally conducted over 2 years at TCDA.  Age is less important than skills at this stage and we apply grading to ensure that students are instructed at the correct level.  As senior ballet work is introduced, students need to be proficient physically, theoretically and technically before moving up another grade.  Jazz and Tap are also offered in this grade and provide all technical and physical skills to advance.

TCDA Junior Modern lyrical dancers in white dresses

Junior Modern / Contemporary and Junior Hip Hop

For ages 5 to 8 years with classes available in Modern / Contemporary  and Hip Hip

TCDA Junior Hip Hop is a fun, non exam class with an emphasis on performance and energy.  Children are encouraged to bring their own "flavour" to their work in this class.  This a great entry level class for those new to dance and is popular with both boys and girls.  Our Modern classes teach the dancers to bring an emotional element to their performances.

TCDA Bronze Hip Hop performing energetically

Bronze Modern / Contemporary and Bronze Hip Hop

For ages 8 to 10 years with classes available in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hip

Many of our students take these lessons as their "fun" classes as they are presented in a slightly less formal manner to our exam classes.  As with Junior Hip Hop, these classes are a great entry point to dance and focus on high energy, performance, emotion / role playing and socialisation.

TCDA Musical Theatre students at our Major Production

ATOD Syllabus Musical Theatre

For ages 6 - 12

Combining the elements of singing, acting and dance, Musical Theatre caters to our "triple threats".  Following the ATOD syllabus students learn voice training and monologue, singing and musicality along with elements of jazz and tap technique.  They also gain skills in stage craft, theatre vernacular and stage management.  Students undertaking examination can obtain internationally recognised qualifications.

A TCDA Junior Acro student performing an aerial

Junior Acro

Ages 5 - 8 years

Acro classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and these classes are only available in conjunction with a TCDA Ballet or Jazz class to ensure proper technique is developed in conjunction with syllabus work. Junior Acro focusses on the building blocks of strength, flexibility and coordination that form the core of this discipline. Students are assessed annually by certified Acrobatic Arts teachers.  

Miss Lily instructs a junior aerialist on the silks

Junior Aerial - Silks & Lyra

Ages 5 - 8

Aerial classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and are only available in conjunction with a TCDA ballet or jazz class to ensure proper technique and core strength is developed.  Junior Aerial centres on basic climbs and holds as we build strength and become confident with their apparatus as well as heights.  TCDA's apparatus is installed and annually inspected by a certified rigger and all safety equipment meets Australian Standards.  More information on TCDA's program can be found on our aerial page.

TCDA Primary acro training

Primary Acro

Ages 8 - 12 (subject to grading)

Acro classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and these classes are only available in conjunction with a TCDA Ballet or Jazz class to ensure proper technique is developed in conjunction with syllabus work. Primary Acro compounds core skills by building strength, stamina, flexibility and confidence. Fundamentals of performance are added to add stagecraft to their routines. Students are assessed annually by certified Acrobatic Arts teachers.  

Three students on lyra during a TCDA primary aerial class

Primary Aerial - Silks & Lyra

Ages 8 - 12 (subject to grading)

Aerial classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and are only available in conjunction with a TCDA ballet or jazz class to ensure proper technique and core strength is developed.  Primary Aerial builds on core climbs and holds as we develop additional strength and  confidence and begin to add artistry to our technique.  Additional climbs, holds and poses are learned on both silks and lyra.  TCDA's apparatus is installed and annually inspected by a certified rigger and all safety equipment meets Australian Standards.  More information on TCDA's program can be found on our aerial page.

TCDA's Junior Troupe in their full uniform

TCDA Elite Performance Show Troupes

Mini Troupe 7 - 10 years, Junior Troupe 10 - 12 years

TCDA's highly successful and award winning Show Troupes have built a reputation over the years as hard working and highly skilled professionals that defy their young ages.  Our Troupes are wonderful mentors and role models and are highly sought after to perform at events in our region.  Entry is subject to an audition process that is held at the beginning of Term 1 each year before a panel to select the TCDA Show Troupes for the year.  

Private dance tuition at TCDA

Private Lessons

Ages 5 - 12 years

Our enrolled students may choose to undertake private lessons with either ATOD Associate Teachers or with a Junior Teacher.  These lessons may be taken to focus on particular skills leading up to exams, to catch up on material missed due to absences or to learn a solo, duo or trio for entry into an Eisteddfod or our own TCDA Mid Year Competition or Championship.  Places are limited and availability may change from term to term.  



Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA Silver Star Ballerinas at the Barre

Silver Star

Ages 11 to 13 years with classes available in Classical Ballet, Jazz & Tap

Our Silver Star classes are ATOD syllabus based and provide a full range of skills to build technique that will see the student develop strong dance methods.  This level is also graded by skills rather than age as many students develop differently at this level.  Our Ballet students commence their preparation for pointe work where muscles that we started to engage through the junior levels are further realised.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA Gold Medal ballerinas en pointe during class

Gold Medal Classical Ballet

Ages 13 and over.  Grading is required prior to enrolment

Gold Medal Ballet is run over 2 years at TCDA and only intakes every 2 years.  This is a particularly exciting grade for our ballerinas as pointe work commences.  Lessons are broken up into flat examination work and pointe work.  The first performance at this grade is a variety pointe style which builds confidence, technique and strength in which dancers can demonstrate on stage what they have learnt at the barre.  TCDA emphasises safe dance principles and will never rush a child onto pointe.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA Gold Medal Jazz performance in purple dresses

Gold Medal Jazz & Tap

Ages 13 years and over. Grading is required prior to enrolment

Gold medal Jazz and Tap classes will study from either the ATOD commercial or Broadway syllabus. Dancers begin to develop their own choreographic skills which they apply to their own exam dances.  The syllabus also helps to develop the dancers skills as soloists.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA Gold Star Ballet dancers performing en pointe

Gold Star Classical Ballet

Ages 15 years and over. Grading is required prior to enrolment

Gold Star Ballet is a senior level class following the ATOD Syllabus and the first class where pointe work is examined.  There are 2 classes each week divided  into barre and centre work which enables us to cover a comprehensive syllabus in one year.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA Gold Star Jazz performance at Mid Year Showcase

Gold Star Jazz

Classes available in Jazz Moves (Commercial Jazz)

The senior Gold Star Jazz grades really start to challenge the dancers with some exciting choreography and skill.  This is a wonderful grade that emphasises the marriage of performance and technique which is extremely satisfying for the dancer.  Gold Star Jazz centres on a cabaret style utilising chorus shoes and props to enhance their stagecraft.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA Open Classical Ballet performance

Open Classical Ballet

Ages 16 years and over. Grading is required prior to enrolment

At this level we cover both Elementary and Intermediate ATOD levels.  Dancers must be fully proficient on pointe as well as having a thorough knowledge of Classical Ballet theory of all grades up to this level.  Most of our open Ballerinas are Junior Teachers and mentors to students at TCDA.  In completing these grades, dancers are eligible to continue their training towards becoming qualified ATOD Teachers.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's open jazz class pose in the studio

Open Jazz

Ages 17 years and over

This class is designed for advanced senior jazz students. The syllabus prepares students for future commercial jazz work with core skills demanded of aspiring professional commercial dancers.  Depending on the year, students will study from the Elementary and Intermediate grades of the ATOD  Jazz Moves syllabus.  Students completing the elementary levels are able to commence their ATOD teacher qualifications.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's open tap class pose for a production shot

Open Tap

Ages 14 - 18 years 

This class is designed for advanced Tap students.  The syllabus prepares students for future commercial tap work with necessary core skills being delivered.  We work from both the traditional ATOD Tap syllabus as well as the Street Beat ATOD Tap syllabus.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's silver hip hop class pose for a group shot wearing red

Silver Modern / Contemporary and Silver Hip Hop

For ages 10 to 13 years with classes available in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hip

Equally popular with those new to TCDA as well as a chance for our more established dancers to let their hair down, our Silver Hip Hop and Modern classes are a fun, energetic and inclusive way to supercharge your week.  There is no grading requirements and no examination for either of these classes.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's gold modern dancers on stage at the TRECC

Gold Modern / Contemporary & Gold Hip Hop

For ages 14+ years with classes available in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hip

These classes are not examined and focus on performance and energy.  Classes are fun, fast paced, social and low pressure.  There is no grading required for entry into these classes.  Whilst not examined these classes combine original choreography with elements from the ATOD syllabus.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's open contemporary class in full flight at the TRECC

Open Modern / Contemporary & Open Hip Hop

For ages 16+ with classes available in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hip

The work produced from these classes are often highlights of our concerts.  Given that our students are a little older and have so much technique under their belts, they are able to pull off some wonderfully adventurous performances year after year.  These classes are very social and collaborative and of a consistently high quality.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's intermediate acro class on stage at the TRECC

Intermediate Acro

For ages 13 - 14 (subject to grading)

Acro classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and these classes are only available in conjunction with a TCDA Ballet or Jazz class to ensure proper technique is developed in conjunction with syllabus work. Intermediate Acro emphasises tumbling and flipping (aerial skills), adding dynamics to their performance. Students are assessed annually by certified Acrobatic Arts teachers.  

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA aerialist performing on the silks at the TRECC

Intermediate Aerial - Silks & Lyra

For ages 13 - 14 (subject to grading)

Aerial classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and are only available in conjunction with a TCDA ballet or jazz class to ensure proper technique and core strength is developed.  Intermediate Aerial introduces experienced aerialists to musicality and partner work as well as more advanced technique, creating stunning stage ready routines.  TCDA's apparatus is installed and annually inspected by a certified rigger and all safety equipment meets Australian Standards.  More information on TCDA's program can be found on our aerial page.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA's senior acro class rehearsing in our studio

Senior Acro

For ages 15+ (subject to grading)

Acro classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and these classes are only available in conjunction with a TCDA Ballet or Jazz class to ensure proper technique is developed in conjunction with syllabus work. Senior Acro is for those with advanced skills and concentrates on finesse and performance, ideal for those who may wish to pursue a career in the performing arts. Students are assessed annually by certified Acrobatic Arts teachers.  

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA aerialist performing on the lyra for a production shot

Senior Aerial - Silks & Lyra

For ages 15+ (subject to grading)

Aerial classes at TCDA focus on a skills based delivery rather than age and are only available in conjunction with a TCDA ballet or jazz class to ensure proper technique and core strength is developed.  Senior Aerial is only available to experienced aerialists and with many performance opportunities.  Aerialists in this class apply high level skills on both apparatus and focus on finesse and detail in their routines. TCDA's apparatus is installed and annually inspected by a certified rigger and all safety equipment meets Australian Standards.  More information on TCDA's program can be found on our aerial page.

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA senior performance troupe

TCDA Elite Performance Show Troupes

Intermediate Troupe 12 -14 years, Senior Troupe 15 +

TCDA's highly successful and award winning Show Troupes have built a reputation over the years as hard working and highly skilled professionals that defy their young ages.  Our Troupes are wonderful mentors and role models and are highly sought after to perform at events in our region.  Entry is subject to an audition process that is held at the beginning of Term 1 each year before a panel to select the TCDA Show Troupes for the year.  

Popular classes in Modern / Contemporary and Hip Hop

TCDA teacher with student during a private lesson

Private Lessons

12 - 18 years

Our enrolled students may choose to undertake private lessons with either ATOD Associate Teachers or with a Junior Teacher.  These lessons may be taken to focus on particular skills leading up to exams, to catch up on material missed due to absences or to learn a solo, duo or trio for entry into an Eisteddfod or our own TCDA Mid Year Competition or Championship.  Places are limited and availability may change from term to term.  


ADULT  (AGES 18 + )


TCDA's adult class performing at the TRECC

Shake n' Bake

Casual Classes which alternate between Modern Expressive and Jazz

A fun, social, hour long class for adults wishing to continue to enjoy their love of dance.  We learn two routines each year with the opportunity to perform at the TCDA Mid Year Showcase and our major end of year production at the TRECC.  Performance is not compulsory.  We rotate the style of dance throughout the year.


Miss Kellie instructs TCDA's Back to the Barre class

Back to the Barre Adult Ballet

Casual classical barre class

This one hour long casual class will do wonders for your core and engage those muscles that may have been forgotten.  Strengthening your technique with barre basics, this non performance adult ballet class is a great way to increase flexibility, stamina, memory and socialise with some amazing people.


Adult aerialist on silks during TCDA's Fly Gals class

Fly Gals

Casual silks and lyra class

Who hasn't dreamt of flying? We have designed a silks and lyra class specifically for adults who may struggle to attend each week.  Available in packs of 5 lessons that can be used during the semester, Fly Gals is challenging, social, fun and incredibly rewarding.


TCDA's adult class performing at the TRECC


Casual Adult Tap class

A fun, social and casual class designed both for those who have tapped before and those who are looking to try something new.  This class is non-performance that addresses tap fundamentals designed to have you audition ready for that next big Musical or have you happily tapping under the desk at work.


a couple rehearsing for their wedding dance at TCDA


5 lesson packages to get you ready for your big day

Work with our experienced choreographers to create a personalised routine that will make your first dance memorable.  Learn a new skill together and take the nervousness out of your special moment so you will dazzle your guests and really shine on your special day.  Bookings are taken at the beginning of each term and spaces are very limited.

Active Kids Provider Logo
Creative Kids Provider Logo

Approved Provider

Australian Teachers of Dancing
Acrobatic Arts

Certified Teachers

© 2025 Tamworth City Dance Academy

Tamworth Quality Business Awards
Regional Winner Business Awards

Winners 2015 & 2019 -  Finalists 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2022

We pay respects to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of NSW, and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture.

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